Sports and Clubs

At Garstang St Thomas, we offer a wide range of sports, clubs and extended learning opportunities.

Sporting Achievements

Garstang St Thomas has a long history of proud sporting achievements – see our school blog to see our successes.

Competitive Sport Policy

Click here to download our Competitive Sport Policy – this includes details about team selection etc.

Clubs (extra-curricular activities)

Clubs on offer this year have included: gardening, sewing, drama, judo, Spanish, multi-sport, speed stacking, football, tennis, netball and athletics. Club letters are sent home to sign up for the beginning of each term. The majority of our clubs are free of charge.


If you would like to know more about what’s happening in school, please speak to Mrs Billington (our Sports Coordinator).

Below are the staff who lead PE and sport in school:




Mr Wilkinson (PE subject leader) and Mrs Billington (Sports Coordinator).